Benton-Franklin Health District (BFHD) is dedicated to protecting our community against communicable diseases, which are illness that can be transmitted from:
-One person to another
-Animal to person
-Person to animal
-Contaminated surfaces to people.
These diseases are caused by organisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. BFHD investigates reportable diseases, notifiable conditions as well as monitor the diseases and trends in the community.
In Washington State, health care providers, health care facilities, laboratories, veterinarians, food service establishments, child day care facilities, and schools are legally required to notify their local health jurisdiction (BFHD) of suspected or confirmed cases of selected diseases or conditions known as notifiable (reportable) conditions.
Below is a list of diseases that can possibly impact the Tri-Cities. Each picture is color coordinated with the chart below on when they need to be reported to BFHD. Click on each picture below to learn more about the disease. WARNING: Some of these photos might be unsuitable for children. Viewing discretion is advised.*
Diseases & Conditions: Report Immediately (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)