To help predict the severity of the upcoming flu season in the U.S., researchers monitor the globe for shifting flu strains. They turn to countries that experience fall and winter before we do – those in the southern
Difference between Cold verses Flu: Cold vs. flu symptoms: How to tell if it’s influenza

What you need to know for the 2022-2023 Flu Season:
- Flu season is anticipated to be severe this year and starts in October, typically peaks in December through February and declines by April.
- Due to the COVID precautions, the US has experienced low flu activity the last two years, decreasing immune responses.
- There are several types of Flu Vaccines:
- High Dose: for 65 years and older
- Regular egg based for the general public
- Egg free for those with severe allergies to eggs
- The vaccine can NOT give you the flu, but some people do have a normal reaction to the vaccine and get a little achy and feverish. This is the immune system waking up.
- Consider vaccinating at least 2 – 3 weeks before events, visiting vulnerable people, traveling, etc.
- Flu vaccines have been proven to be very safe and effective at preventing severe illness and death.
- Click Here: For the Results from the Weekly CDC Flu Tracker
A yearly influenza vaccine is the best way to prevent the flu. Everyone 6 months of age or older should get a flu shot, but it's especially important for anyone at high risk. This includes infants & children (especially under two years old), adults 65 years or older, pregnant women and anyone living with a health condition like diabetes, heart disease, asthma or other lung conditions.
Ways to reduce the risk of getting the flu:
Wash your hands frequently with soap and water.
Cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue.
Stay 6 feet away from people you don’t live with.
- When you are sick, stay home and call your healthcare provider.
If you become infected with the flu, antiviral drugs created to specifically treat the flu can be used. The medications are most effective early in the disease so talk to your healthcare provider if you think you have influenza, particularly if you are in a high-risk group.
It is also important to get the flu vaccine every year for the best protection because immunity against the flu declines over time.