November 18th highlights "National Injury Prevention Day," a day to raise awareness to empower our community to bring attention to safety.
Unintentional injuries are the leading cause of death for people ages one to 44 in the United States. Injuries include traffic crashes and drowning, and intentional injuries involve violence inflicted on others as well as oneself.
Benton-Franklin County Data (2016-2021):
Falls are the #1 Unintentional Injury Hospitalization
Accidental Poisoning is the #1 Injury Death
(Across All Age Groups)
Prevent Falls
The most important message to share with your community and loves ones is that falls are preventable. Falls are a growing health problem for older adults. Over the past five years, falls have been reported to be the #1 cause of unintentional injury deaths among adults aged 65 and older for Benton and Franklin counties.
Fall prevention is key to remaining active and independent as we age. Falling does not have to be an inevitable part of aging, and you can take steps to prevent the risk of falls in your home or the homes of older adults in your life.
Prevent Accidental Poisoning
Accidental poisoning accounted for 31% of all accidental deaths in Benton and Franklin counties.
It is important for everyone to recognize that poison can be found in everyday items located in all areas of your home – kitchen, closets, bathrooms, attic, garage, dining room, laundry room, storage areas, and basements.
To help prevent accidental poisoning, follow these poison prevention tips.
Use child-resistant containers (but remember, child-resistant containers are not completely childproof).
- Keep potentially poisonous products in their original containers.
- Place potentially poisonous products out of reach immediately after use.
- Put Mr. Yuk stickers on all poisonous products in and around your home and teach children what the stickers mean.
- For more information on Mr. Yuk—or to order Mr. Yuk stickers—visit the Washington Poison Center's Web site at: www.wapc.org.
- Keep emergency numbers (including the Washington Poison Center) next to your phone, on your refrigerator, and programed into your mobile phone.
- Washington Poison Center Toll-free hotline: 1-800-222-1222 Voice and TDD/TTY.
Additional Resources:
To promote National Injury Prevention Day, prevent injuries and save lives all year round, check out these additional resources: